If you are one of the many people who suffer from excessive hair loss, hair loss and bleaching, then FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) could be the perfect solution for you. With this method, each hair follicle is harvested separately in the bald area of the scalp.
FUE hair transplant candidates
The main advantage of the FUE hair transplant technique is that it does not leave a horizontal scar on the back of the head. Therefore, if you want to cut your hair short, you are a good candidate for FUE hair transplant because it gives you the freedom to cut your hair short at the back of your head. If you are healthy and do not have a medical condition that could affect your treatment, you can restore baldness or receding areas with minimal stress on the body and excellent results.
Significant benefits of FUE hair restoration
Some of the significant advantages of the FUE hair restoration technique are:
They provide faster, natural results and leave no visible scars.
Faster recovery and less pain.
The body is not badly injured, as only local anaesthesia is needed.
laser cap
How is FUE hair transplantation performed?
FUE hair transplantation is a major procedurewhich takes several hours. The first step is to collect healthy hair follicles that are not genetically programmed to bleach from the sides or back of the head. This procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and is painless. Each of these individual hair follicles is carefully harvested. They are then transplanted to a new location on your scalp where your hair is thinning or has bald patches.
How long is the recovery time?
By FUE hair transplantation the associated recovery time is often minimal, as the process does not involve major trauma to the scalp. Initially, swelling may occur and there may be a tiny scab around the newly transplanted hair. This will all disappear after a while. It is advisable to take a few days off work to allow the scalp to heal more quickly. Refrain from showering and sleep with your head elevated for as long as it takes for the transplanted hair to settle in its new place and start growing naturally.
However, bear in mind that transplanted hair will soon start to fall out. You will have new hair to replace it once the transplanted hair follicles are fully integrated into your scalp. This may take a few months as the hair follicles heal and need time to return to the active phase.

Should I combine PRP therapy with FUE?
PRP or platelet-rich plasma can be combined with FUE hair transplant procedure. PRP contains therapeutic factors that can improve the health of newly transplanted follicles. Read more to learn about PRP therapy.
Why choose Rubenahir Latvia a hair transplant centre for FUE?
Although FUE transplants look natural and are safe, the cleanliness and quality of the clinic and the skill of your surgeon can make a big difference to the results. At Rubenhair Hair Restoration Clinic, we offer our clients the most advanced facilities. If you are thinking about a hair transplant, be sure to visit us. Because every person is unique, our procedures are personalised to deliver optimal results for each individual. Consult our doctorsso that we can analyse your hair loss and make recommendations on suitable treatment options to restore your thicker, healthier hair.
Improve your quality of life and apply for a consultation with our specialists who will provide comprehensive answers to your questions and determine the best course of treatment. Fill out the electronic form or call tel. +371 267 777 76 and we will contact you. www.rubenhair.eu
Hair and eyebrow transplantation, Hair transplantation - how effective is it?, Hair restoration with PRP plasma injections, Hair loss, Change your age, Improve your quality of life with a hair transplant, Hair transplantation is gaining momentum, Eyebrow transplant, hair transplant method (FUE), Restoration of hair loss and thickness at the hair clinic "Rubenhair"